Tuesday, September 22, 2009

destined to get sick at the worst times

It was always an occurence on holidays as a child that I would get sick. Real sick. This in which meant my parents would sit in the ER with a cranky seven-year old on any given Thanksgiving or Christmas. Strep, flu, stomach virus...something new came each winter holiday season that involved a yearly ER trip during my elementary school days.

Fast forward ten years, and I'm touring Europe with a school program. I go 16 years without food poisioning, and bam, wiped out with it in Austria. Visiting a German physician, figuring out German medicine instructions, and still being dragged to visit a concentration camp dehydrated....yeah, lets just say I don't have the best memories with visiting Austria.

That leads me to today. I'm leaving Sunday...and I'm sick. (No, it's not the swine flu!) Just an annoying cold of some sort. I keep wishing it's just allergies, but after a Solo cup sharing frenzy this past Saturday I feel like that's not the case.


Alyssa said...

Oh no :( :(
Solo cups...Ha...But really, that sucks. Get better!!

Anonymous said...

oh noes :(

I got sick too. I wasn't solo-cup-ing. I think it's from...I don't know what it's from.

This is gonna sound gross, but get a head of garlic, put it in a little pan with a LITTLE bit of water, and stick it in the oven until the water's mostly gone/it's a wee golden 'round the edges. Then spread the insides it on toast and eat it. This almost always helps me get over a cold faster; it's full of vitamins and shit that help a lot.